April is stress control month so in the spirit of keeping calm and carrying on, here are 8 tips to get your Zen on!

By April 16, 2014Blog, Uncategorized

April is stress control month so in the spirit of keeping calm and carrying on, here are 8 tips to get your Zen on!
person meditating by the ocean

Deep Breaths
Simply focusing on your breathing and taking deep breaths in and out can reduce anxiety by slowing your heart rate and lowering your blood pressure. One of the biggest victims of stress is your heart.

The first step is to choose a mantra that makes you feel good! Things like “I am loved” or “I am strong” are perfect examples. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and either verbally or internally repeat your mantra. Regular mediation helps ease anxiety and make you more resistant to future stressors!

Slow Down
Every day is get up, take the dogs out, get everyone ready for work/school, run out the door to take someone to practice, you have a deadline on a project fast approaching. Did anyone else tense up reading that sentence? Just the day to day functioning of life can be stressful. Take a few moments to yourself. You don’t have to go grocery shopping RIGHT NOW. The floors can wait! Once you realize that most of the rush you’re in is self-inflicted, you’ll feel much more at ease.

Ask for Help
On the days you do have to rush around all crazy, take the time to communicate. Call a friend and vent! Talk to your significant other about..anything! Talking about what is going on in your life can give you a fresh perspective, so share!

Pay Attention to Your Body
When’s the last time you closed your eyes and just paid attention to your own body? The way your chest rises and falls with every breath, the quiet thumping of your heart in your chest? Tuning into yourself makes everything sort of fade away for a moment. You’re alive. Revel in it.

Maybe deep breaths aren’t enough for you, and you can feel the tension building up in the form of muscle stiffness. Before you grab some ibuprofen, warm up a towel and wrap it around your neck and shoulders. Let the heat soak into your muscles and loosen them up. You’ll be glad you did.

Laughing just makes you feel good! It lowers cortisol (the stress hormone) and boosts your endorphins – which help your mood. Watch a funny video or talk to someone that makes you happy. You’ll feel much more relaxed if you do.

The effect that music has on the brain is astounding. It can calm you down, or amp you up! Choose music that’s appropriate. If you can’t seem to shake your bad mood, belt out your favorite song. Singing also releases endorphins, so belt it out and get happy!

If you ever feel stress beginning to overwhelm you, try one of these tips to help you manage it!